My Mission

& Promise to you.


My Mission

When I looked at social media, I saw so many women absolutely consumed by restriction and comparison. There were so many weight loss coaches. But here’s the thing, weight loss is only one part of your health. These unqualified coaches ignore you are more than just a number on the scale!

My mission in creating Kelly Fitmore LLC is fueled by the fact that I want to help women become the strongest version of themselves and develop a healthy relationship with food, their body, and the gym!

By taking my own journey with powerlifting, I realized that I could help women just like me. A light bulb went off in my head, that this could be my future, that I could help women fit fitness into their lifestyle, rather than it having it consume them.

Within the last few years, I have helped over 130 women achieve completely new body composition through multiple cutting/ reverse dieting phases, improve their powerlifting/training performance, and redefining their relationship with the scale/food to allow women to confidently take up more space in the industry.

- Kelly

My Promise

Throughout the Fit More Into Your Lifestyle Initiative Program, I will keep you, your physical and your mental health a number 1 priority.

I promise this program won’t involve any cookie cutter plans or juice cleanses or any other nutrition & exercise BS.

My 1:1 coaching with you will be backed by evidence based practices based on my higher education and as well as evolving research .

I promise to continue investing in my education so I can educate you weekly about the ins and outs of nutrition & exercise.

I promise I will care about you whole heartedly and support you every single week. I will never be upset with you or your progress, however, I will guide you and gently push you in the right direction.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!