Check Out My Amazing Clients Below

  • Grace B. (Nutrition & Powerlifting Client)

    “ (At my most recent meet), I surpassed my own expectations by going 8/9 with my lifts and getting all white lights for my squats! I was able to pr for squats at 258lbs and added 61lbs to my meet total over all. None of which would have been possible without my coach @kelly_fitmore ! If you have the opportunity to work with Kelly I could not recommend her enough. She is supportive of every aspect of my training and has done an amazing job optimizing my time and nutrition so that I can truly enjoy my life. She was so organized that I did not have to worry about a single thing on meet day. I felt like the most supported athlete on the platform yesterday. If you don’t have a Kelly in your life you need to get one!

  • Chloe (Nutrition & Powerlifting Client)

    Chloe (Nutrition & Powerlifting Client)

    “Thank you for all your positive feedback and making this coaching relationship very inviting and comforting. I feel very open and confident with you and look at all the progress we've made together! I knew that nutrition would be one of the harder things for me, but l've learned so much from you and you put it in a very simple way so I would understand it better. Can't wait!”

  • Grace T. (Nutrition & Powerlifting Client)

    “I just wanna say again how thankful I am for you and to be working with you. Not only for my lifts and performance but for the nutrition and body recomp. With your knowledge and your support, I know I'm not alone.“

  • Britt (Crossfit Nutrition Client)

    “I am absolutely blown away by the progress I've made working with Kelly for the past six months! My goal was to grow into my weight class and she not only helped me put on weight at a steady, healthy pace, but I lost body fat! I've grown so much mentally and physically and have learned there's more than the number on the scale thanks to Kelly's coaching, guidance, and programming! I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings.”

  • Sarah (Nutrition Client)

    “Thank you so much for all you’ve helped me with over the past few months. I didn’t realize how broken my relationship with food was until I got a healthy one. My old diet habits are like an old ex now where you think back and say “oh damn, why’d I do that!” I’m picking up carbs and things I never would have gotten before just because I realize how much more control I have now. I also understand that balance and consistency are key to results like this.”

  • Ella M. (Nutrition & Powerlifting Client)

    Ella M. (Nutrition & Powerlifting Client)

    “Regardless of weight loss, Im stronger and happier than ever. That's what's important. My biggest priority was keeping my strength and fueling my body properly. With S000 much help and guidance from my coach, l've achieved so many of my goals, and I'm excited to continue on this journey of recomp and strength increasing”

  • Rebecca (Nutrition Client)

    “Working alongside Kelly has helped me so much mentally, emotionally and physically! Her assistance in determining fitness goals is invaluable and her fitness tips quite helpful but it is knowing that someone ‘has my back’ that is really motivating. Together, we have celebrated my small wins along the way and I have achieved a healthier relationship with food. I feel better about my progress because Kelly reminds me of her objective point of view each week. Overall I am happy with my slimmer midsection and I am looking forward to continuing to learn from Kelly, continuing to trust the process and continuing to make lasting lifelong changes.”

  • Samantha (Powerlifting Nutrition Client)

    “As always, thank you so much for everything. You are amazing and I don’t think I would be where I am without your help”

  • Avriel (Nutrition Client)

    “Working with Kelly these past 16 weeks has been a complete game changer for my mindset and confidence in my nutritional choices. I feel that Kelly made my health her #l priority and I have learned so much about what my body needs in order to see real fat loss results. I can't wait to start my reverse diet and learn even more about how to maintain my progress.”

  • Siobahn (Powerlifting Nutrition Client)

    “I feel like I've had some mindset wins in terms of just trusting the process, trusting in what my body is doing, etc. I am very excited that I'm seeing such progress in my body composition and powerlifting even while eating more food was starting to worry that want possible for me anymore!! Thank you Kelly!”


“Nutrition wise, I'm feeling amazing and confident! I'm eating more, yet feeling so good in my body and I never have felt this before. Shamelessly crying about it as I type because I'm feeling such freedom. I'm eating more throughout the day and finding so much peace and balance in tracking macros.“

Kayla (Nutrition Client)


“When I started working with Kelly back in June of 2018 I was 150lb (I am 5’5”). I was lost and needed some guidance figuring out my macros. I wanted to lose some weight, but maintain strength (I am a powerlifter) and what I was doing wasn’t working. In my first year with Kelly I was able to lose 19lbs to compete in the 132lb weight class. I had a great meet and did not lose any strength! I have never felt stronger. I have put on a lot of lean muscle mass and this is the most comfortable I have felt in my skin in my entire life. I am so happy with my decision to work with Kelly. I told her my goals and she’s gone above and beyond to help me reach them. She listens to me when I feel hungry or am eating too much! And we adjust my macros accordingly. She really cares about her clients and their success and I never feel like I am doing this alone.”

Samantha (Powerlifting Nutrition Client)


“Since working with Kelly my toxic relationship with food and my body image have drastically changed“

“I felt like a freakin bad ass in my bathing suit at the pool on Saturday“

(19lbs down in 30 weeks)

Amanda (Nutrition Client)


Here is my client Val’s positive reaction to reverse dieting which is a concept that scares some women:

“I’m so for continuing to reverse diet and you’re right. We have all of the time in the world!. I can’t wait to see how much more food I need! I am really happy and having you (Kelly) as a coach is the best decision I’ve ever made!

My legs are growing and I’m so happy!!! Even tho I thought I was eating a lot. I wasn’t eating a lot. I’m happy now with everything and I know I’m healthy because I feel healthy and strong.”

Val (Powerlifting Nutrition Client)


“As our nutritional sessions have come to and end, life has been hectic and i never got a chance to summarize and properly thank and acknowledge the work we’ve done together the past 3 months and how absolutely grateful i am for you.

I came to you after years of struggling with fueling my body correctly. Predisposed thoughts, ideas, habits that i couldnt seem to kick and not haven’t learned to cope with yet. Feeling a little hopeless and a lot lost - i finally reached out and made the it work. I couldn’t be where i am today mentally if it wasn’t for your tools and coaching.

Some things that vividly stood out that have personally helped ME through my journey was definitely the food neutrality, hitting the restart button whenever throughout the day, learning to breaking the fast better, and really working on WANTING to fuel my body for peak performance in my LIFE.

I have many interests outside of PL that need to be fueled properly for and sustain healthy recovery and bodily functions and i’ve noticed my energy levels raising throughout the day, feeling less tired and maybe some hormonal balance as well tbh.

None of this would’ve been possible without your guidance, attention and care. I know the journey isn’t over as there is so much to improve on still and i will take the tools you’ve provided for the rest of my life! ”

I have always had a very confusing relationship with food. I would always go through this cycle; first, I’d promise myself to start eating “clean”, and I would eat super “healthy” with no exceptions. Then, after a few days of feeling so restricted and despising the food I was eating, I’d eat every snack and “unhealthy” food in sight. Then I would spiral and be upset with myself for not sticking to my plan and struggling with body image issues. 

When I found Kelly’s Fit More Into Your Lifestyle Program, I really didn’t think it would work for me.  I thought I was kind of “destined” for the body I had, and that I was going to forever struggle with food. But I could not have been more wrong. 

While changing my physique was my priority, I’ve seen a lot more mental growth than ever before. I don’t stress over food anymore. I still eat all of my favorite foods. I don’t feel guilt after eating “unhealthy” foods. For the first time ever I think less about food than ever before and I finally feel fueled and full instead of hungry and guilty and weak. Kelly’s program is helping me make sustainable and lasting changes to my health, my physique, AND my mindset. My physique has noticeably changed over just three (!) months of working together and I’m eating more than I was before.

Thank you so much, Kelly!!!

Cameron (Nutrition Client)


“I definitely felt the lifestyle change from working with Kelly. I eat consciously but not unhealthily and I have been eating a lot more fruit and I feel GREAT from it. I had to order smaller work pants! I have a size 31 right now and I ordered a size 28!

I also feel more confident in my exercise movements compared to the first week I started with Kelly. This past week, I was able to focus more on actually executing the movements and I felt that after getting some feedback from Kelly, I’m more confident “

Madison, Nutrition & Lifestyle Client


Check out what Kinsey has to say after working together on her nutrition & training for over 7 months.
